For Our Business Community

Also, if businesses are struggling and needing working capital, the village’s revolving loan fund could be utilized to help. Contact Brittany Taylor at Southern Five Regional Planning District and Development Commission at 618-845-9000. The U.S. Small Business Administration also has, “Disaster Loan Assistance”.  

New Day & Time for Goreville Farmers’ Market

GOREVILLE FARMER’S MARKET WILL BE CHANGING DAY AND TIME. STARTING AUGUST 1, 2019 IT WILL BE ON THURSDAY AFTERNOONS 3:00pm – 7:00pm. VENDORS ARE NEEDED!!!! PLEASE CONTACT VILLAGE HALL AT 618-995-2157, IF INTERESTED IN BEING A VENDOR. This is Due to so many Farmers Markets happening in Southern Illinois on Saturday mornings, and lack of vendor…

City Wide Yard Sale

 Goreville City Wide Yard Sale  Saturday May 18  8 am – 4 pm Lots and Lots of Yard Sales!!!!! Both in and around town!! Everything from knick-knacks to tools to odds and ends and more… There will be something for just about everyone. Times may vary from each sale.